2 responses »

  1. I think Linux is the best S.O in the world. The author, Linus Torvalds, took O.S Unix, modified it and invented Linux and GNU project. It’s very steady and it has no viruses interfere. Its philosophy is based on free use, this means that you don’t have to pay for it neither for the software. Another advantage its kernel, because it’s an O.S open for anyone who wants to modify it.
    The only disadvantage is that it’s very difficult to use, only computer’s expert can manage it. And at the same time, there are thousand of software based on Windows and only a few of them are based on Linux.
    In my opinion, Apple system is very expensive, not only the software but also the hardware. Steve Jobs and Steve Wezniak, two university students, invented what years later became a personal computer in a little garage of their parent’s jobs in the Silicon Valley, CA. Steve job also invented touch screen , ipot , iphone, ipat, etc. This was a real technological revolution.
    Finally, each O.S has its own function. However, there is no doubt that Windows for home computer doesn’t have rivals around the world.

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